Supply: | Blocks: | Nodes: | NetHash: hps

Solo Swamp Coin Minging Guide



Mining any crypto currency is the fuel that makes the network run, create new coins and provide a decentralized security model.  Mining can be done either on a pool or solo.  Pool mining combines your hashing power with others to  win blocks at a faster rate than you would normally by yourself.  Solo mining simply relies on the hardware and hashing capabilities on your own.  This guide will focus on solo mining. 


Solo Mining Options

There are 2 ways to solo mine Swamp Coin.  Both are effective but option #2 will provide slightly faster hash rates. 

1.  In wallet Mining - generally considered the easiest and only requires the wallet software

2.  Miner software -  requires the use of a 3rd part miner program


Instructions - In Wallet Mining

Before you can begin using this method you must download the Swamp Coin wallet from Github.  Download the version appropriate for your operating system HERE

-Install the wallet and allow it to fully synchronize with the network

-Open the debug console by clicking Tools > Debug Console from the menu

-In the bottom of the Debug Console type the command setgenerate true -1 and press enter

-Close the debug console

As you succesfully find and solve blocks your mined coins will appear in the wallet


Instructions - Miner Software

Before you can begine using this method you must download the Swamp Coin wallet from Github.  Download the version appropriate for your operating system HERE


-Install the wallet and allow it to fully synchronize with the network

-Generate an address from the Receive screen and copy it somewhere

-Download any CPU miner software that supports the YesPower algo.  JayDDee's cpuminer is recommended but not required if you have another favorite brand.  The latest release can be found HERE.

-Extract all files to a folder

-Create a file in the same folder and name it mine_swamp.bat

-Edit mine_swamp.bat and enter -a yespower -o -u rpcuser -p rpcpassword --coinbase-add=wallet

-Replace wallet with the address you generated from the Receive screen

-Save the mine_swamp.bat file

-Double click mine_swamp.bat

As you succesfully find and solve block your mined coins will appear in the wallet.  There are several configations you can change with the software so take a moment to read the information about it on the Github site HERE